Condo Coverage
What is a COI and why do I need it?
A Certificate of Insurance (COI) provides a snapshot of coverage limits, policy effective and expiration dates, and insurance carriers of the condominium association. If you are a condo unit owner, or you are preparing to purchase a condominium, you may be asked to provide this document initially and annually.
It is important that certificates are collected from each unit owner to protect the interest of the association in the event of a claim. This way, the association knows what coverage is in place and who to contact should anything ever develop.
How much coverage do I need?
Bouvier is here to help you figure out the amount of personal property coverage you may need; we will review your master policy before helping you determine the best coverage.
Condo policies need to be reviewed on a case by case basis because state laws and association bylaws can differ significantly. Talking with our experienced licensed insurance agents is the best way to get coverage suggestions tailored to your situation.
What is condo (HO-6) insurance?
Condo unit owners are in a unique position because you don’t own the entire building you live in or the land it sits on. Your condo or homeowners association (HOA) carries a master policy to insure its buildings and common areas, but as a condo owner you need your own insurance policy to protect your unit, personal belongings, and any liability for your guests.
Although the ownership structures of condominiums and co-ops work differently, insurance policies for individual owners work pretty much the same no matter which type of unit you have.
Condo coverage is our specialty!
At Bouvier Insurance we are dedicated to educating both our associations and unit owners to coverage nuances provided by the master and individual unit owner policies. We are comprised of an educated team of agents that can provide a customized review of your master policy and counsel you on the various coverages that should be purchased by a unit owner via an HO-6 policy.
Let our team of knowledgeable professionals help you understand what options you have and guide you to the best condominium master or individual insurance coverage that suits your specific needs. Bouvier’s insurance professionals will make sense of confusing coverage details. We offer no-obligation policy reviews of your association’s current insurance program and quotes to help ensure that you have no coverage gaps or overlaps.
“Being in the Association Management industry, I’ve worked with several insurance agents over my career. Recently, I was introduced to Kurt Lillie with Bouvier Insurance who has been an absolute pleasure to do business with. Kurt is prompt, knowledgeable, and addresses any and all of my Association insurance needs at the drop of a hat. It’s rare to find someone who responds to emails as quickly as I do and that’s appreciated more than anything. Kudos Kurt & Bouvier!”